Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Loveland-Karate Class

In this picture, one of Loveland's local karate classes is in full session and teaching its youth new 'ninja' like skills, obedience, and patience.  What looks like nap time in this picture is actually a fun cool down game the younger kids, Dragons, play.  This game is intended as a fun reward for responding to the day's lessons so well.  The kids tuck into a ball and close their eyes and when the instructor gives the word, the kids run and tag the instructor.  Karate is offered to people of all different ages and skill levels at this particular location. However, in this picture, karate is being taught to very young children.  Karate gives the children a unique and fun way to be physically active, allows interaction with other children, and teaches them how to listen to instructions in a respectful manner.  Every couple of months they have ceremonies to show off their new talent to friends and family, which also gives the children a sense of pride and self worth.  Karate can be costly which makes it difficult for some families to participate.  Some places have you pay month to month but often times a contract is put into place which means higher dues.  Also, finding means of transportation regularly and taking time off work to get the child to practice can prove to be tough.  To provide all of our youth with happy, active, and affordable childhoods we can create free after school programs with classes such as karate.  We can get martial arts instructors with all skill levels to donate some time to create workshops offered at the schools.  This  will encourage children to be more physically active in a familiar, safe environment and give parents more time at work before they come pick up their children at school.  After school karate could also give the children time to move around and burn off some energy after siting in class all day which may help create more family and homework time at home.  Karate instructors could also create internships within their companies and have the interns teach after school programs as well. 

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