Sunday, October 10, 2010

Greeley - Weekend

When Sunday afternoons come around, and children arrive home from church or another family function, they are often full of energy. Immediately after getting out of the car they will grab toys they left in their yard and begin to play, expending as much of that energy as possible before going indoors. Here two boys, around the ages of six or seven, are busy racing down the sidewalk on their scooters to see who is the fastest. They repeat this race a few times, egging one another on with cries of "Faster!" and "I'm going to beat you!"

The boys might think they're playing around, for at their ages, exercise is something they only associate with adults. By pushing themselves in their miniature competition they're taking part in an activity that allows them to burn off energy, as well as keep them from lazing about for the rest of the day. It's important for kids to do things like this, especially on weekends, as weekends tend to be longer periods of time in which kids are home and able to be outdoors. They're being active rather than lethargic, and enjoying what they're doing.

It is fairly easy to see that these boys are healthy for their ages, as well as active. This is a good sign as it shows people passing by that they are capable and willing to play outdoors rather than stay indoors glued to the television all day long. Being outdoors is extremely important for kids, and it is important that we encourage them to play outdoors as much as possible. By encouraging activity now, these kids will likely grow up to live a more healthy lifestyle, and that's exactly what should happen.

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