Tuesday, October 5, 2010


In this picture, there are many children enjoying some fun in the sun physical activity at one of Loveland's free water parks.  Local kids spend much of their summer vacations at one of the two free spray parks offered in Loveland.  The parks are meant for kids of all ages and fun for the entire family.  This particular spray park is located in the old fairgrounds area, now brought back to life with water amenities, playgrounds, and picnic areas for the families.  There is one other free water park located in Loveland and has more powerful water amenities meant for the older, than seen here, children.  The mission statement of the City of Loveland Parks and Recreation Department is to provide leisure facilities, programs, activities and opportunities for the citizens of the community.  Seen from the popularity of the parks in recent years they have accomplished their mission.  Free parks such as these help bring our community closer together and encourages the engagement of families while increasing the opportunity and likelihood that our children will be physically active.  Unfortunately, parks such as Loveland's spray parks are only open from Memorial Day to Labor Day and are often shut down during inclement weather throughout these dates.  We need to offer more fun, active and free activities for our community during "off" days.  Also, we need to consider those communities that do not even have free activities for their children to participate in at all due to lack of funds or involvement.  By physically going out into our communities and asking different families what type of activities they would like to see offered to their children, we will have an idea of what will be worth putting forth effort, funding and time for.  Cities need to create community involvement and get local businesses, departments, and charities to help fund a safe and creative environment for our youth.  We also need to utilize space that can create the environment such as old empty lots that are not being used, for example, how Loveland took advantage of their old fairgrounds that sat deserted for years.  Maintenance will need to be consistent to keep our facilities clean, safe, and usable for our children to use year after year.  We keep saying that our children need to be more physically active but in order for us to mean it, we need to provide them with fun activities to do. 

City of Loveland Colorado.  (2010).  Fairgrounds Park.  Retrieved from City of Loveland Colorado: http://www.ci.loveland.co.us/parksrec/FairgroundsPark.htm

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