Thursday, September 30, 2010

Denver - Track

New athletic fields and a new track were finally completed at North High School in Denver, thanks to the passage of a $34 million bond (Moran, 2010).  Here we see an aspiring track runner, with high school students in the background practicing several different sports.  The athletic fields, tracks and tennis courts (not shown) were in serious disarray for many years, but thanks to new funding, kids can exercise at their own school.  By creating the new track and fields, kids will feel good about their school, and be more motivated to participate in team sports.  This motivation may in turn provide incentives for them to continue exercising in the future.  We can not underestimate the power of creating good spaces for kids to exercise, especially in the inner city.  Without appropriate places to exercise, we can not expect kids to be active, and reduce the obesity epidemic which threatens the health of our nation.

Moran, Dylan.  (2010, Aug 19).  NHS unveils its new athletic turf. North Denver Tribune. 

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