Thursday, September 30, 2010

Denver - Football on the sidewalks

Denver is one of a few cities, whose city planners took the time to make sure many parks were available to its residents.  However, in a few areas, including Sunnyside/Highlands, parks are not as conveniently located.  Here we see a couple of kids utilizing the sidewalk outside their home to throw a football.  Shortly after throwing the football for a spell, the kids took off on their scooters around the block.   While many of the homes in Denver have backyards, children are often seen playing in the streets and sidewalks.   If we had more areas for children to play, the children may not be at risk of being hurt on the streets.  Parks and school play areas are important areas for families to take their children.  Again, if we want children to be more active, we need to make sure that there are safe, clean, and positive environments for them to play.

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